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November 05, 2021 2 min read

Whether you are new to plant parenthood or a bit of a greenery geek, it is important to understand humidity and its benefits for both plants and people. Water vapour in the surrounding air known as humidity helps to prevent congestion and breathing issues as well as stopping your skin and their leaves from drying up. But where is this best in the home?

Due to the daily routine of the lived-in home, humidity is inevitably higher in some locations than others, such as the kitchen and the bathroom. Many daily activities such as boiling the kettle or having a shower will increase humidity levels without you realising it, but you can't keep all your houseplants in one room, and if you are like us, we are sure you will agree when we say every room needs at least one plant.

Increasing Humidity, The Easy Way

Heightening humidity levels in the home doesn’t have to be a chore, and we know it's hard to find the time to spritz and spray, especially if you are in the 50+ plant club like us. Our Horty Hints on increasing humidity will help you to increase levels where it's needed the easy way, without the additional effort or the expense of running a humidifier.

  • Group and cluster plants together: One of the simplest ways to increase humidity is to group and cluster plants together (if you have enough). As the plants transpire, they release water into the atmosphere, and having them clustered will help them to humidify each other.
  • Make the most of household routines: Cooking without lids, opening the dishwasher when it's finished and drying laundry on clothes horses are natural functions of the home that will have you increasing humidity without the extra effort.
Collection of Houseplants Lifestyle
Houseplants in Kitchen Lifestyle

  • Save the steam: Opening the bathroom door after a hot shower or bath, or mopping using boiling water will help to humidify other rooms in the home.
  • A pebble tray goes a long way: Sitting your plants on top of saucers or pebble trays of water, or placing bowls of water in amongst your plants will slowly help to humidify the environment as the water evaporates.

What Plants Go Where?

Not all plants require the same levels of care, some like lots of light whereas others might prefer more shade. This same rule applies when it comes to humidity, and knowing which houseplants are the divas and which are the dames will help you to place them in the correct location, meaning less maintenance and more meals out.

Humid Lovers: Happiest in steamy bathrooms and kitchens

Ferns Collection
Alocasia Collection
Calathea Collection
Dieffenbachia Collection

Dry Tolerant Houseplants: Best suited to living rooms and dining areas

Succulents Collection
Dracaena Collection
Sansevieria Collection
Aglaonema Collection