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Calathea ornata Beauty Star

SIZE: Pot Diameter x Total Height
14cm grow pot
Size Tip: Fits in a pot with a 15cm+ opening

Calathea ornata 'Beauty Star' boasts captivating foliage characterised by vibrant shades of green across its surface and a rich, deep purple hue underneath. This stunning cultivar stands out with its refreshing and zingy vibes.

With its impressively sized leaves and striking colouration, Calathea Beauty Star makes a bold statement as a houseplant, adding a touch of elegance and vibrancy to any indoor space.

Calathea ornata Beauty Star Care & Info Guide

Horty Hints

Keep me colourful! If you notice the distinctive stripes or colourful leaves beginning to fade to white, the plant is receiving too much sunlight. Move to a more shaded location.

Living on the edge! Crisping up at the edges of leaves is a watering issue, not humidity. This plant is sensitive to chlorine in tap water, so allow it to stand overnight to diffuse before use, and maintain an even moist soil. Brown leaf tips are common.

What's got you down? Leaf droop happens naturally during the day with some Calathea, they then sit more upright at night, however if leaf droop is combined with dry air and soil, the plant needs more water and humidity.

Please note: images show how this plant may look at various stages of maturity. The size you choose may look different.