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Trending Plants For Cafe & Restaurant Interiors

January 13, 2023 3 min read

Trending Plants For Cafe & Restaurant Interiors

When it comes to designing a café or restaurant interior, there are many elements to consider – from the layout and furniture to the lighting and decor.

One trend that has (rightfully) been gaining popularity in recent years is the incorporation of plants into café, bar and restaurant interiors. Not only do plants add a touch of natural beauty to a space, but they also have numerous benefits for both the environment and the people who frequent the establishment.

One of the most popular plants for café and restaurant interiors is the fiddle leaf fig tree. These tall, leafy plants have large, glossy leaves that make a statement in any space. They are also relatively low maintenance, making them a great choice for busy café and restaurant owners.

Another popular choice is the snake plant, which has long, thin leaves that can add a modern and sleek look to a space. They are also very resilient and can tolerate a wide range of temperatures and lighting conditions.

Always trending in café and restaurant interiors is the incorporation of succulents and cacti. These plants are known for their unique shapes and textures, and they can add a sense of whimsy and personality to a space. They are also very low maintenance, giving you more time to concentrate on serving customers.

Serve coffee? Of course you do! Coffea arabica isn't just good for beans, its glossy foliage is perfect for dining and drinking spaces and, a major bonus, is it thrives in the humid conditions - perfect for a steamy nook next to the coffee machine.

When it comes to incorporating plants into a café or restaurant interior, there are several things to keep in mind. First, it is important to choose plants that are well-suited to the lighting and temperature conditions of the space. For example, if a café or restaurant has a lot of natural light, a fiddle leaf fig tree or snake plant would be a great choice. However, if the space is relatively dark, a succulent or cactus might be a better option.

It's also super important to consider the overall aesthetic of the space. While it can be tempting to go for a jungle-like look and fill the space with a variety of different plants, it is important to keep in mind the overall design aesthetic of the space and choose plants - and plant pots (which make up at least half of the overall plant look) - that complement it.

Finally, it is important to consider the maintenance of the plants. While many café and restaurant owners are busy and may not have a lot of time to devote to plant care, there are many low-maintenance options available that are still beautiful and effective at purifying the air. For the ultimate in low maintenance plants, take a look at our extensive HydroCare range.

Incorporating plants into café and restaurant interiors is a trend that is gaining popularity for many reasons. Not only do they add natural beauty and visual interest to a space, but they also have numerous benefits for the environment and the people who frequent the establishment.

For help in creating plant looks for your own restaurant, bar or cafe, get in touch with your requirements and let our expert plant stylists help.