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April 04, 2022 3 min read

As a professional estate agent or home stager, you know that selling a home is all about making it as attractive as possible to potential buyers. While there are many ways to do this, one of the most effective is by incorporating indoor plants. Not only do indoor plants add aesthetic appeal, but they can also improve the air quality and make a space feel more inviting and open.

When it comes to staging a home, indoor plants can be used to create a more inviting atmosphere. They add color, texture, and life to a room, making it feel more welcoming. This is especially important when showing a home to potential buyers, as it can help them to envision themselves living there.

In addition to creating a more inviting atmosphere, indoor plants can also help to make a room appear larger. This is because plants have a way of drawing the eye upward, which can make a room feel taller and more spacious. This can be particularly useful in small rooms or spaces that feel cramped, as it can help to make them appear more open and airy.

Another way to use indoor plants in home staging is by creating a focal point in a room. This can be done by placing a large, striking plant in a prominent location, such as a corner or near a window. This can help to draw the eye to a specific area of the room, making it feel more balanced and cohesive.

A study conducted by the University of Technology in Sydney found that indoor plants can improve overall satisfaction with the living environment by 47%.

But, the benefits of indoor plants don't stop there. They can also improve the air quality in a home. Many plants have been shown to remove toxins and pollutants from the air, which can help to make a home healthier and more pleasant to live in. This is especially important when selling a home, as potential buyers will be more likely to purchase a home that they perceive as being healthy and well-maintained.

When incorporating indoor plants into a home staging plan, it's important to choose plants that are easy to care for and that will thrive in the specific conditions of the home. This can include choosing plants that are suitable for the amount of sunlight the room receives, as well as those that are able to survive with the heating and cooling systems that are in place.

It's also a good idea to consider the overall design of the home when selecting plants. This can include choosing plants that complement the existing decor and that will work well with the overall aesthetic of the home.

Indoor plants are like the secret weapon in your home staging arsenal. They can be used to create a more inviting atmosphere, make a room appear larger, create a focal point, improve air quality, and add a personal touch. 

A report by the Royal Horticultural Society suggests that incorporating indoor plants in home staging can speed up the selling process by 6-12% and an article by Better Homes and Gardens states that incorporating indoor plants in home staging can increase the perceived value of a home by 6-15%.

Adding indoor plants can be a small but impactful change that can make all the difference in selling a home.