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February 16, 2024 3 min read

Bringing The Tropics To Your Home: A Guide To Popular Indoor Palm Trees

When it comes to selecting a palm tree for your home or office, there are a few key factors to consider. Four popular options are the Areca, Parlour, Kentia, and Lady Palm.

Each of these species has its own unique characteristics and can add a different look and feel to a room but, if we're honest, they can look pretty similar at a glance - especially if you're just looking at a tiny picture on your phone.

In this Guide To Greenery, we will look at the key differences between these four palm tree options, so you can make an informed decision on which one is the best fit for your space.

Areca Palm:

The Areca Palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens) is a popular choice for indoor spaces due to its ability to tolerate low light conditions. It is a tall and slender palm, reaching heights of up to 3m (although this is unlikely here in Blighty). The Areca Palm has feathery fronds that are bright green in color and can add a tropical feel to any room. It is also a relatively fast-growing palm, which means it will quickly fill a space and provide a lush, full look.


Parlour Palm:

The Parlour Palm (Chamaedorea elegans) is another popular choice for indoor spaces due to its small size and slow growth rate. It typically grows to a maximum height of 1/1.5 metres (significantly less than an Areca) and its fronds are delicate and feathery. The Parlour Palm is a great option for smaller spaces or for use as a table-top plant. Its small size also makes it easy to care for and maintain.


Kentia Palm:

The Kentia Palm (Howea forsteriana) is a larger species of palm and can reach heights of up to 2 or 3 metres. It is a slow-growing species which is ideal for large indoor spaces. It has long, arching fronds that are green in color. The Kentia Palm is known for its graceful appearance and is often used in commercial settings, such as hotels and office buildings. It is also a good option for homes with high ceilings.


Lady Palm:

The Lady Palm (Rhapis excelsa) is a small to medium-sized palm tree that typically grows to a maximum height of six feet. It has large, fan-like fronds that are green in color. The Lady Palm is a slow-growing species, which makes it easy to care for and maintain. It is also tolerant of low light conditions and can be used in a variety of indoor settings. The blunt tips of Rhapsis excelsa make it pretty easy to distinguish from the palm pack.



When choosing a palm tree for your home or office, it is important to consider the size and growth rate of the plant, as well as the light conditions in the room where it will be placed. The Areca Palm is a great option for spaces with low light and a tall ceiling. The Parlour Palm is a great choice for small spaces or as a table-top plant. The Kentia Palm is ideal for large indoor spaces with high ceilings. Finally, the Lady Palm is a good option for a variety of indoor settings and is easy to care for.

No matter which species you choose, remember that all palm trees need regular watering and fertilizing to stay healthy. They also benefit from occasional misting to increase humidity and to wash off dust from their leaves.

Each of these four palm tree options, the Areca, Parlour, Kentia, and Lady Palm, has its own unique characteristics and can add a different look and feel to a room. Carefully consider the size, growth rate, light conditions, and personal style when making your decision. With proper care, any of these palm trees can thrive in your home or office, so bring a touch of the tropics to your indoor space with the palm you love the most.